It was exciting indeed! To have a book launch for “The Myth of the Wild Gaur” at Joy of Books library, in Anna Nagar, Chennai. The library was a cozy and comfortable space, tucked away in a quiet neighbourhood in Anna Nagar. As soon as I entered, I was welcomed by a sign on the board that said “Welcome Author Priyadarshini”. I was also greeted very warmly by Ms Abirami the curator of the library.
The children who attended the book launch expressed their enthusiasm by asking many questions. They were fascinated by my book as they had not heard much about Bisons or Wild Gaurs. Even the youngest children who attended the launch and storytelling had something to take back with them.
This book launch made me very happy because I could share a little bit about the environmental issues effecting hill stations and make people aware that they are not just tourist places to fun and frolic. I enjoyed the ambiance of the library that made me feel completely at ease. A very big thanks to Ms Abirami for making this possible! Looking forward to other book launches here!